Trademark Check.

Trademark Check.

Trademark check. When it comes to protecting your trademark, the most important step in the process is to choose a trademark that can be protected.  The selection of your mark is the crucial 1st step. If you get this wrong, you will be challenged and ultimately...
Trademark Duration

Trademark Duration

How long does a trademark last? A registered trademark, one registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), lasts forever—so long as certain post-registration formalities are performed. Oftentimes, trademark registrants overlook this simple, yet...
Artificial Intelligence. Patents.

Artificial Intelligence. Patents.

Artificial Intelligence is alive and well. Forget the hover cars and cities floating in space. Ex Machina has come to life and wants the right to obtain a patent. While we sit at home waiting for our Alexa’s to tell us what to do, courts wrestle with the newest...

How To Establish Your Brand

Trademarks When you think of great trademarks, the ones known throughout the world, they will likely include the apple with the bite taken out of it and the golden arches. There are also older trademarks that have withstood the test of time, like the classic Pepsi...

The Power of Branding. Trademark. Fantasy Island.

Fantasy Island: A True Brand. Lately I’ve found myself enthralled by old episodes of Fantasy Island. I am not ashamed to admit that it was one of my favorite shows back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and I have rediscovered its charm.  But what has really captured...
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