Trademark check. When it comes to protecting your trademark, the most important step in the process is to choose a trademark that can be protected. The selection of your mark is the crucial 1st step. If you get this wrong, you will be challenged and ultimately...
Trademarks Articles
Register Trademark
Register Trademark. In the world of business, trademarks are crucial assets. They are symbols of your brand's identity and reputation. While trademark registration isn't mandatory in the United States, it is beneficial. Here’s a closer look at why you might consider...
Trademark Search
Trademark Search. Trademark search. It’s important to understand the concept. The second most important step in the trademark process is clearance. Trademark clearance is another term for the trademark search. Regarding trademarks, you may sometimes even hear someone...
Trademark Distinctiveness
Trademark distinctiveness is the benchmark by which we determine if a trademark is strong. Trademarks play a crucial role in the world of business, serving as distinctive identifiers for brands and their products or services. However, not all trademarks are created...
Trademark A Name
How to Trademark a Name A trademark can be a word, phrase, design, logo, color, sound, or a combination of those things that identifies the source of a product or service. Surnames can be also used as trademarks, but only under certain circumstances. Primarily...
Trademark Benefits
Benefits of Trademark Registration. There are many benefits of trademark registration. The Lanham Act, the law governing trademarks in the United States, does not require that a trademark be registered. Therefore, as the owner of a trademark, you never need to...
Trademark Duration
How long does a trademark last? A registered trademark, one registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), lasts forever—so long as certain post-registration formalities are performed. Oftentimes, trademark registrants overlook this simple, yet...
What is a Trademark?
What is a trademark? It is a source identifier. A thing we call a device that tells consumers where a product or a service originates from. A trademark can be a word, a logo, a design, a phrase, a slogan, a color, a sound, a fragrance, or a combination of...
Trademark Protection.
A protectable trademark protects strong marks. That process starts from the moment you consider a word, phrase, design, or name that you want to use as a trademark.