How to Trademark a Name A trademark can be a word, phrase, design, logo, color, sound, or a combination of those things that identifies the source of a product or service. Surnames can be also used as trademarks, but only under certain circumstances. Primarily...
Trademarks Articles
Trademark Benefits
Benefits of Trademark Registration. There are many benefits of trademark registration. The Lanham Act, the law governing trademarks in the United States, does not require that a trademark be registered. Therefore, as the owner of a trademark, you never need to...
Trademark Duration
How long does a trademark last? A registered trademark, one registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), lasts forever—so long as certain post-registration formalities are performed. Oftentimes, trademark registrants overlook this simple, yet...
What is a Trademark?
What is a trademark? It is a source identifier. A thing we call a device that tells consumers where a product or a service originates from. A trademark can be a word, a logo, a design, a phrase, a slogan, a color, a sound, a fragrance, or a combination of...
Trademark Protection.
A protectable trademark protects strong marks. That process starts from the moment you consider a word, phrase, design, or name that you want to use as a trademark.
Artificial Intelligence. Patents.
Artificial Intelligence is alive and well. Forget the hover cars and cities floating in space. Ex Machina has come to life and wants the right to obtain a patent. While we sit at home waiting for our Alexa’s to tell us what to do, courts wrestle with the newest...
ZOOM. Trademark Registration
The importance of registering your trademarks cannot be overstated. At a minimum, file an Intent to Use application, if you intend to use the trademark. But you should definitely file for trademark protection the moment you start to use your mark. Why? Because if you...
COVID Trademarks Are the New Toilet Paper
Toilet Paper and Trademarks. What do these items have in common? Well, in recent times, they are both items that have become hot commodities during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s actually quite common for businesses and ambitious entrepreneurs to rush to the U.S....
CoVID-19 and Intellectual Property
It’s encouraging to witness a world agency recognizing a need and collaborating with creators and researchers alike to lay down competition and cost in order to fight a global pandemic.