Trademark Distinctiveness

Trademark Distinctiveness

Trademark distinctiveness is the benchmark by which we determine if a trademark is strong. Trademarks play a crucial role in the world of business, serving as distinctive identifiers for brands and their products or services. However, not all trademarks are created...
Trademark Benefits

Trademark Benefits

Benefits of Trademark Registration. There are many benefits of trademark registration. The Lanham Act, the law governing trademarks in the United States, does not require that a trademark be registered. Therefore, as the owner of a trademark, you never need to...
What is a Trademark?

What is a Trademark?

What is a trademark? It is a source identifier. A thing we call a device that tells consumers where a product or a service originates from.  A trademark can be a word, a logo, a design, a phrase, a slogan, a color, a sound, a fragrance, or a combination of...
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