Learn a New Skill

Learn a New Skill

It’s an esteemable act to have the courage to learn something new. Have you ever avoided doing something because it was too hard or too scary? Have you ever not learned a new skill because you were afraid you’d make a mistake or just look silly? If you’re like most of...
Courage to Risk Failure

Courage to Risk Failure

Self-esteem comes from having the courage to risk failure. I’ve failed at many things in my life: driver’s tests, school exams, relationships. Yes, indeed, I missed the mark more often than I care to admit. I started fad diets and self-help programs and rarely got the...
Focus is the Key

Focus is the Key

Outside our bedroom window is a hummingbird feeder. Each day one, two, and sometimes three birds at a time come and partake in the prepared meal of red sugar water. On this day, I was particularly fascinated by their swift-moving little bodies. One after another, the...
Courage to Dream

Courage to Dream

Are you living the life you really want to live? Are you doing what makes your heart sing and your spirit sparkle? Do you wake up most mornings feeling blessed that you get to do what you love? If your answer is a resounding yes, then bravo, for you are among those...
One Baby Step at a Time

One Baby Step at a Time

I couldn’t believe my eyes. One day, the gravel inside our fish tank was pressed flat as if leveled by a steamroller. The following morning, there was a mountain sloping along the left side of the tank, almost reaching the top. I wondered what happened, but assumed my...
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