Social Media Policies. NLRB.

Social Media Policies. NLRB.

Social Media Policies. NLRB. Good news for employers with a social media policy. It’s your time and it’s a new day. If you have implemented reasonable social media policies and workplace civility policies, your holiday present is a more employer-friendly National...

Apple. iPhone X. “Animoji”

Next week Apple will officially release their latest version of the iPhone – the iPhone X. One of the new gizmos of this highly awaited phone is called the “Animoji” feature. Using face recognition technology, this feature will allow the user to create, send, and...

USPTO Fee Changes

USPTO – United States Patent and Trademark Office Many people are probably not aware that the United States Patent and Trademark Office is not funded by taxpayer money, rather, it is entirely funded by fees paid by patent and trademark holders. When more funds...
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