Financial Responsibility

Financial Responsibility

My friend Jack’s finances and his life are out of control. He’s got $36,000 worth of credit-card debt and a mortgage that exceeds his monthly salary, his kids are in a private school he can’t afford, he drives a current-year luxury car, he drinks lattes seven days a...
Personal Inventory

Personal Inventory

It’s an esteemable act to see yourself clearly. It’s easy to be grateful when you receive compliments because they validate who we are and who we want to be. Positive feedback feels good. And some people believe we should only be given encouraging, appreciative...
Learn a New Skill

Learn a New Skill

It’s an esteemable act to have the courage to learn something new. Have you ever avoided doing something because it was too hard or too scary? Have you ever not learned a new skill because you were afraid you’d make a mistake or just look silly? If you’re like most of...
Courage to Risk Failure

Courage to Risk Failure

Self-esteem comes from having the courage to risk failure. I’ve failed at many things in my life: driver’s tests, school exams, relationships. Yes, indeed, I missed the mark more often than I care to admit. I started fad diets and self-help programs and rarely got the...
Focus is the Key

Focus is the Key

Outside our bedroom window is a hummingbird feeder. Each day one, two, and sometimes three birds at a time come and partake in the prepared meal of red sugar water. On this day, I was particularly fascinated by their swift-moving little bodies. One after another, the...
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