by Francine Ward | Jul 10, 2017 | Esteemable Acts
The Serenity Prayer says, “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Sometimes it doesn’t feel as if we have choices, but in truth we almost always do. A friend of mine...
by Francine Ward | Mar 12, 2017 | Esteemable Acts
Every day we make choices about how we want to live, feel, and behave. We make choices that affect our health, our finances, our relationships, and our well-being. And every day we feel the effects of those choices. And so do the people around us. Our choices don’t...
by Francine Ward | Mar 11, 2009 | Esteemable Acts
I just got a call from a friend in a cancer support group, and she shared this unique experience with me. One woman in her group shared that she decided to stop the chemotherapy. Cancer had metastasized to her brain, and she decided to have radiation therapy no...