Trademark Search.
Trademark search. It’s important to understand the concept. The second most important step in the trademark process is clearance. Trademark clearance is another term for the trademark search. Regarding trademarks, you may sometimes even hear someone ask, “Have you done your due diligence?” It is one of the 1st three steps in the process to ensure that your trademark is protectable. Whether you’re starting a business, launching a new product line, writing a book series, building a brand, or entering a licensing relationship, understanding the landscape of trademark law is essential. Here’s a primer into the world of trademark searches and why they’re indispensable.
Why Conduct a Trademark Search?
A trademark search provides you with useful information. This valuable tool helps you identify challenges you might encounter during the registration process. With an effective and preferably comprehensive trademark search, you will discover potential conflicts, therefore avoiding costly legal battles. So, before you invest time and money in rolling out an elaborate marketing plan, know the roadblocks that might lie ahead.
Two Types of Searches.
The Knock-out Search: A Quick Elimination Process
This initial search is a limited screening, designed to identify trademarks that clearly cannot be registered. It focuses on eliminating generic marks, obviously famous marks, or those that might be considered scandalous or disparaging.
Comprehensive Search: Digging Deeper
After the initial knock-out round, it’s time for a comprehensive search. This all-inclusive, broad investigation covers multiple databases and resources:
- USPTO Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS): The go-to for federal trademark registrations.
- State Trademark Databases: Each state maintains its own registry.
- Online Search Engines: Google, Bing, and Yahoo can reveal unregistered uses of your proposed mark.
- Social Media Venues: Platforms like Facebook, X, Instagram to reveal prior uses of the trademark you want to register.
- Business Directories & Domain Name Databases: Discover existing companies and web domains that may conflict with your trademark.
- Foreign Registration Databases: If you’re considering international expansion, this step is critical.
What to Look For
During your search, you’ll be looking for several key factors:
- Existing registrations that are identical or similar to your mark.
- Marks that aren’t identical but sound similar.
- Office actions, oppositions, suspensions, or cancellations.
- Demand letters or infringement actions that could impact your mark.
- Prior common law rights holders and the true owner of record.
By conducting thorough trademark searches, you safeguard your brand and lay a solid foundation for your business’s future. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, understanding the nuances of trademark clearance can save you from costly legal battles and ensure your brand’s success.
Francine D. Ward
Attorney-At-Law, Author, Speaker
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