
In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing, technology-centered culture, it is easy to lose sight of what matters—real relationships and time spent with those we love. Often, we are so over committed that we don’t have time to truly connect. Connecting could mean something as simple as picking up the phone to say hello to a friend, a family member, or anyone you say matters. Yet, we have no problem tweeting, or posting on Instagram or Facebook to thousands of folks we don’t even know. Is it any wonder so many folks feel empty and useless?

Technology is super cool. I love it and totally get its power and usefulness. That being said, there is a need, a yearning, a sincere longing to really feel a part of something. The need to be a part of a community of ones’ peers where one can truly connect and feel at one with.  And while I love technology, the connection I refer to is not virtual, but rather, real old-fashioned face to face connection.
There was a time when we were more connected, when we actually met for coffee instead of sending emails and text messages. More and more it now seems that we don’t have time to spend with our kids, eat a meal with a friend, or visit our parents. We don’t have time for a phone call.  We don’t even have time to give a smile to a passing stranger at the mall. No, we don’t have time to make the connection it takes to live comfortably in our own skin. That lack of connection is a problem, if we truly desire long term happy relationships.
Think about it. The generation that is now coming into the world may very well grow up never really knowing how to connect with people, instead they will have superficial connections through technology. Again, I understand that time moves forward and we can’t live in the past, but this is our very essence we are talking about. No matter how much technology surrounds us, we will always long for personal connections. That is what makes us human.
I challenge you to connect with people on a more personal level. Pick up the phone and call someone instead of using text messaging. Ask a friend, coworker or family member to lunch or dinner and turn off your cell phone during that time. When walking down the street, using public transportation, or walking though the aisle in your local grocery store, why not say hello to everyone who passes you by?  Who knows, you might  eventually like the feeling of truly being social, not just engaging on social media.

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