Self esteem comes from DOING Esteemable Acts, or does it?
I believe that, and yet every day I see how bad behavior
gets rewarded BIG time. Just look at Charlie Sheen. First he was allowed to stay on 2 ½ Men and reap the benefits of his bad behavior. Then only when his behavior became a detriment to the producers was he fired. But then, he gets his own reality show, high-fee speaking engagements, and airtime on every so-called reputable talk show, and a lucrative TV commercial with Fiat. Who says being bad doesn’t pay off? And we wonder why our kids would rather play gangster, than play nice.
Whose fault is this? God forbid that a parent should be blamed for the bad behavior of THEIR kids. In truth, I’d say everyone who supports a Charlie Sheen-type in any way, from watching his shows, to paying to hear him speak drug-induced trash, to buying products he endorses, to giving him airtime and lucrative contracts.
What do you think? Join my conversation on my Esteemable Acts Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, and my Esteemable Acts blog.