Spirituality. Self-esteem. Right Choices.
It’s impossible to ignore the power of spirituality in guiding people to lasting self-esteem. One way to recognizing the spiritual realm without calling it by any specific name it to acknowledge it as “good orderly direction,” that inner force that helps you to make right choices regarding your physical and mental health. Here are suggestions for connecting with your spirit.
Read a Book.
Consider beginning each day with selected readings from positive, uplifting books. It doesn’t matter what you read. The key is to focus on material that shifts your thinking. Among my personal favorites are For the Inward Journey by Howard Thurman; Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Dr Richard Carlson, Each Day a New Beginning by Hazelden publication; and Reflections in the Light by Shakti Gawain.
Listen to an Audio.
Sometimes it’s easier to listen to an audio that to read a book. It doesn’t mater which method you select. The choice is yours. The idea is to have something close at hand that will aid you in staying centered and often uninvolved in the chaos of the moment. Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey, and Rev Michael Beckwith all offer audios.
There are times when you just need to be with yourself, times when the noise and stress of everyday life need to be shut out. By allowing yourself daily quiet time you create a balance between the doing and the being aspects of your life. What you daily practice is isn’t important as long as you choose something.
Find a place where you can connect with like-minded people. Such a community may be a church, a synagogue, or mosque; it could also be a service or social group. The idea is to find a group that can satisfy your need for community. Finding one that suits you is the key to feeling of connectedness.
What can you do right now, this moment, to move you closer to connecting with your spirit? What one small action are you willing to take right now?
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