Commitments. Distractions.
Have you ever started something you really wanted to do and not finished it? Have you ever not fulfilled your commitments? Have you ever allowed stuff to just get in the way of your doing what you said was most important to you in the moment? I suspect at some point in your life you have.
Choosing to do what is least important in the moment may seem like the best decision at the time, but it rarely is. It’s merely the easiest. Each time you take a detour, each time you allow something to steer you away from what you say and know is most important to you, you pay a price – knowingly or unknowingly. And over time, the price gets higher.
Your reasons for not fulfilling your commitments are always valid – at least at the time. For instance, emergencies and other people’s urgencies, unforeseeable conflicts of interest, not having the money to do what you’ve committed to do, insufficient information, lack of time, not having someone to take care of the kids, and health issues can all get in the way of fulfilling a commitment. But regardless of the validity of your excuses, the impact those excuses have on your relationships and on your self-esteem can be damaging. You don’t feel good about yourself when you don’t follow through.
Eventually, for us to succeed at whatever we want to do in life, we simply must get started doing those things that lead to our success, regardless of the distractions that get in our way. We must be willing to take action despite how we feel. It’s the very act of doing something that relives us of the pain of feeling like someone who can’t be counted on. Taking an action, regardless of how small, is the key.
Ask yourself today. What stuff gets in your way? What distractions keep pulling your attention away from the things you say are most important to you? Having the courage to write them on paper makes them real and takes away some of their power. List all the things you use to procrastinate. Getting that stuff out of you and onto the paper is a first step in moving closer to begin where you want to be in life.