Walk through your fear
Most of my early life I felt stupid. But in 1981, at the age of 28, I set out to change the conversation. I went back to school. It was one of the hardest decisions I ever made, because it brought up all of my insecurities. Fears I never knew I had surfaced such as the fear of being too old, the fear of failure, the fear of not being smart enough, the fear of not being able to grasp the concepts, fear of not fitting in, the fear of going back to school, the fear of the coursework being too hard – the list continued. But one day at a time, after talking to advisers, researching the necessary steps, and auditing classes, I decided to face my fears and embark on a journey, one that prove to be an entry into a life far beyond my wildest dreams.
What do you dream about when you are by yourself and left with your own thoughts? What do you wish you could do “if life were different”? What would you be doing if you could snap your fingers and make it all happen?
What would you do if you were guaranteed success?
We all have dreams. Some of us make them come true, some of us talk about making them come true, and some of us wish we had made them come true. Most of us know what we long to make happen. Perhaps you are afraid to speak it aloud, but deep down you know. It’s your heart’s desire, a passion that burns inside you just waiting to be nudged into action. Then there are those of you who need some assistance in identifying the dream-the heart’s desire. Maybe because it’s been stuffed so deep inside that only emotional surgery can release it.
For the rest of you, perhaps one at a time you had a dream – and now you don’t. So, let’s begin by identifying your dream.
How do you go about doing that? For this you’ll need to tap into the right side of your brain – your creative side, your playful, imaginative and inspired side.
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