Until I had the courage to dream of a better life, I wasn’t able to have one. Dreams are what life is made of. They give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning and a reason to go to bed early at night, so you can wake up and start all over again.
But like anything worth having, dreaming takes work, which often requires that you walk through something that you’re afraid of.
You’ll encounter many obstacles along the road to living your dreams. Some obstacles may be real, while others may be imagined. One of the real obstacles that can definitely stand in the way of living your dreams is negative core beliefs!
We are what we believe. And we create our reality based on what we think. Like it or not, your beliefs influence your attitude and your behavior – and how you behave is what defines you.
When I believed I wasn’t smart enough to go back to school, my actions supported my beliefs. So I didn’t even try. But once I realized that to live the life I wanted I had to honestly confront the things that were holding me back. I knew that I would have to face my fears head on and just walk right through them! And when I started believing I could really do something to change the course of my life, I took actions that supported those beliefs. That’s when I finally enrolled in school.
Despite the negative feelings I often had about myself, I became willing to behave contrary to those feelings. Every time I accomplished something that I didn’t think I could, and got to the other side, I felt great! Each small step brought me closer to living the life I always dreamed of living.
So ask yourself what your core beliefs are. But you may find that seemingly simple question tougher to answer than you think.
One thing you can immediately do to better understand your beliefs is to listen intently to what you say. The words that come out of your mouth can often reflect what you really believe, as do the thoughts you keep in your mind.
So what do you dream of?
Are the words you are using and things you are saying compatible with your dreams, or do they conflict with them?
What beliefs are you holding that are restricting you from taking positive actions towards living your dreams?
Remember, the more you resonate with your dreams, the more likely you will start to live them.
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