
Self-esteem comes from having the courage to live an honest life.   In this blog post lets explore living the value of honesty.
1: Define honesty.  What does it mean to you?  List 4 examples of honest behavior.
2: Let’s explore how subjective the concept of honesty can be.  SITUATION: A man is married for 10 years to a loving, dutiful, a caring wife.  He begins an extramarital relationship with someone in his office.  Is he dishonest?  What if they were married for only 6 months? 35 years? What if she is pregnant? What if the man was your best friend? Your father?  You? What if you were the wife? The other woman?  Is there really a subjective scale for honesty? Should there be?
3: As human beings, sometimes we don’t tell the truth, sometimes we cheat on taxes, tests, and relationships. Sometimes we are just afraid to be real.  There is always a payoff.  Bring to mind a situation where you weren’t honest in your dealings with another person. What was the payoff?  And for every payoff, there is a price we pay.  What was yours?
4: “It’s the perverse wish to hide a bad motive underneath a good one.”  List two occasions when you hid a bad motive beneath a good one.  Why did you? What was the payoff?
5: What do the following quotes mean to you: (1) “The deception of others is almost always rooted in the deception of ourselves.”  (2) “Honesty, … is an essentials of recovery.”
6. Ask yourself, what observations can you make about your willingness to tell the truth? To be honest?   What worked?  What didn’t work?  Was one Day more challenging than another?
I’m Francine Ward sharing secrets to my success and happiness.  Check out my Esteemable Acts Twitter page, Esteemable Acts Facebook Fan page, 60NOTDead Twitter page, or join one of my LinkedIn groups.

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