
During this difficult time, I have been encouraging you to focus on the positive and improve your well-being. Here are some tangible topics to help you engage, grow, and become a life-long learner!

  1. Shawn Achor’s TED Talk: The Happy Secret To Better Work >> https://lnkd.in/gVF6jeS
  2. Amy Wrzesniewski and colleagues’ Harvard Business Review article: Turn The Job You Have Into The Job You Want. >> https://lnkd.in/gKDTWnD
  3. Complete the Peak Performance Through Character Strengths Activity Guide >>https://lnkd.in/gXj4ewz and post about your experience on social media using the hashtag #LawyerWellBeingWeek or #EsteemableActsWellBeing
  4. Check out this YouTube Channel for free Learning videos on topics like World History, Statistics, and Artificial intelligence >> https://www.youtube.com/user/crashcourse/
  5. Learn some quick skills to spruce up your resume >> https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/skills-learn-online-classes
  6. Check out these 9 steps that Forbes Magazine has compiled to avoid depression during the pandemic >> 9 Ways to Improve Your Quarantine Well-Being
  7. Remember that May 17 starts Mental Health Awareness Week in 2020. This year’s theme is >> Kindness

Comment below with your favorite learning tools, or reach out to ask questions at info@fwardattorney.com.

Francine D. Ward
Attorney-At-Law, Author, Speaker

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Don’t miss Francine’s Latest Blogs:

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    Sweepstakes Scams. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has settled with several operators of a sweepstakes scam. The scam bilked consumers out of millions of dollars. Included in the settlement agreement,… Read more: Sweepstakes Scams
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Don’t miss Francine’s Latest Blogs:

  • Sweepstakes Scams
    Sweepstakes Scams. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has settled with several operators of a sweepstakes scam. The scam bilked consumers out of millions of dollars. Included in the settlement agreement,… Read more: Sweepstakes Scams
  • Incapacity Planning
    Incapacity Planning. Incapacity is an unexpected wrinkle in your estate plan. I am a planner. I make plans, I like making plans, and sometimes my plans go awry. Despite any… Read more: Incapacity Planning
  • Publishing contracts
    Publishing contracts The publishing contract is an agreement that defines the relationship between an author and her publisher. Publishing contracts typically contain elements that speak to territory, rights, ownership, financial… Read more: Publishing contracts
  • What is a Habit?
    As we enter springtime, you may feel far away from your New Year’s resolution. That may be because of the success rate of NYE resolutions. In fact, January 17 is… Read more: What is a Habit?
  • Common Contract Mistake
    Common Contract Mistake #1.  Not Having Written Agreements with EVERYONE You Do Business With. Common contract mistake. Without question, the most common contract mistake is not having the terms of… Read more: Common Contract Mistake
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