
Susan Roane. Leadership Qualities. Read.

It’s no secret to anyone who knows me, or anyone who talks to me for more than 10-minutes, that I am a voracious reader and love to learn.  I study everything I can find time to review, after I do my daily reading of law related articles and law journals.  I ingest voluminous content in the form of blogs, articles, newsletters, and tweets on topics that relate, not only to my practice areas of law (trademarks, copyrights, publishing, business, privacy, social media, wills & trusts, nonprofits), but on topics that relate to my clients’ businesses, e.g., wealth management, coaching, speaking, and the running of small and mid-sized businesses. In fact, I believe that when you read different types of content, it enhances your leadership skills.  There is a causal connection between reading and improved leadership qualities.

Read. Susan Roane.

So as you can imagine, I was delighted to read a blog titled, 19 Tips to Impress Literally Everyone You Meet, by Susan RoAne. One of the tips that really jumped out at me was Tip #10 Read More. Here Susan says, “In order to be a good conversationalist, you have to be well-read.” What was interesting is that RoAne goes on to say, “…that doesn’t mean you should stick to the high-brow stuff… so maybe you don’t care … that Taylor Swift just released the most perfect album of all time. But you should at least know that it happened…”
Is there any doubt that people who are informed and knowledgeable on a wide array of issues and topics have more success in communicating with others in a social situations? Who likes a one-trick-pony who can only discuss…lets’ say…the topic of his or her profession? Who wants to listen to a stockbroker talk about the market all evening at a party that is supposed to be fun? Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being passionate about your job, but a person that can engage people on a variety of topics will always make a better impression, and let’s face it, be more interesting and fun, too.
So would you like to be more interesting and more confident in social situations? Would you like to be able to communicate better with people from all backgrounds and interests? There is really only one way to accomplish this, and that is to read – and read a lot!

Francine Ward. Esteemable Acts.

Until next time, I’m Francine Wardattorney, coach, author, and speaker.  I invite you to join my conversation on my Esteemable Acts Fan pageEsteemable Acts Twitter feed, or in one of my LinkedIn Groups.

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